Project Description
Eduardo Roa.
Eduardo Roa and Arquímedes Gonzales.
Reinaldo Chacón and Adriana Carrera.
Adriana Carrera, Carlos Gonzales, Edgardo Bermúdez, Evelyn De León, Gaby Chacón, Jose J. Bolívar, Daniel Moreno, Katherine Da Silva, Reinaldo Chacón, Robert Méndez, Yanet Devis, Yessica De Ascencao and Eduardo Roa.
Eduardo Roa.
Arquímedes Gonzales, Evelyn De León, Daniel Moreno, Reinaldo Chacón, Adriana Carrera and Eduardo Roa.
Lighting and Shaders
Eduardo Roa.
Graphics Designer
Eduardo Roa and Adriana Carrera.
Adriana Carrera, Jesús Querales, Reinaldo Chacón, Yanet Devis, David Rubel and Eduardo Roa.
Reinaldo Chacón and Jesus Querales .
María Cecilia García.
Sin Salida (No way out)
On a rainy night, a wooden figure comes to life. In his joy for being able to enjoy the surrounding environment and his capabilities, he starts to witness a series of events the make him panic. At the climax of the fear, he wakes up and realize it was all a dream. Soon he knows that everything he has dreamed of will come true, and even more, there will be no way out.